European Championship 2024 - Insulted, harassed, touched?

Hand on a female bottom. "You'll see RED for that!"
European Championship 2024 - Insulted, harassed, touched?
Information on your rights as a victim of a crime

Your wish for a peaceful, happy and carefree soccer festival has been dashed because

  • you have been sexually insulted or accosted
  • someone - perhaps in a crowd - has touched you in intimate places
  • someone has raped you

No one has to put up with verbal harassment or physical assault - regardless of whether the perpetrator is a stranger or a known person! Sexual harassment is also a criminal offense that will be prosecuted.
If you want to report the crime, contact the police immediately, go to a police station or dial emergency number 110
In principle, it is also possible to report the crime at a later date. It is therefore advisable to have the traces of injury secured in advance.

What can you do in an acute situation?

  • Draw attention to yourself and the situation by shouting loudly, such as "don't touch me" or "leave me alone". Make it clear that you do not want any contact with the suspect.
  • If someone comes too close to you physically, make it clear to others that you do not want to be touched.
  • Actively and directly ask uninvolved persons or security personnel to help you. Address these people directly, for example with the words "You with the blue jacket! I need help!"
  • If possible, retreat to a safe area. These can be, for example, first aid points of the medical service, stalls or other organized places.

What can victims of sexualized violence expect from the police?

  • The police will take the first necessary information about the crime. Later, a detailed statement will be taken by the criminal investigation department.
  • Traces that may later be used as evidence must be secured. This is done in a hospital or medical practice. In addition to a gynecological or physical examination by specialist medical staff, you will also receive medical care.
  • In addition, your clothing may also be seized as evidence.

Information on your rights as a victim of a crime.

Further support is available from the Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen
The helpline offers confidential and free help and support nationwide under the number 116 016 and via online counseling - 365 days a year, around the clock, anonymous, multilingual and barrier-free.

Men affected by violence can get help here
Men affected by various types of violence can get help by calling 0800 123 9900. Those affected can also find a digital counselling service on the website.

Comprehensive information on sexualized violence, including anonymous evidence collection, can be found here:

Further information, counseling and support services 

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110