Consolation donations
Victim protection officer of the Herford police
The victim protection officers help victims of criminal offenses as well as victims of traffic accidents and other harmful incidents.

The victim protection officers help victims of crime as well as victims of traffic accidents and other harmful incidents.

The victim protection officers of the Herford police are:

Victim Protection Crime:

Crime victim protection is aimed at all victims or relatives of people who have been the victim of a crime.

The contact person for you is the criminal investigation officer

KOK'in Sibylle Thiel


You can contact her by telephone at the number

05221 888-1714

or by fax at: 05221 888-1749

You also have the option of contacting the victim protection officers with your problem by e-mail.

The e-mail address is: opferschutz.herford [at]



Victim protection traffic:

Traffic Victim Protection is aimed at all those involved in accidents, their relatives, first responders and witnesses.

Your contacts are:

PHK Michael Hanke

PHK'in Jennifer Landwehrmeyer

POK'in Kerstin Westerwelle

POK Marcus Winkler

You can contact our victim protection officers at the following telephone numbers:

05221/888-2143 or the extension -2144.

The e-mail address is: DirektionVVSB.Herford [at]

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110