Bünder drives without a license and with false license plates

Bünder drives without a license and with false license plates
Escape from traffic control
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) As part of a patrol, officers from the Herford district police authority intended to subject a VW to a general traffic check on Friday evening (28.6.) at 10.08 pm. The car was driving on Bünder Straße in the direction of Sophienstraße and ignored the patrol car's signals to stop several times and drove off at a significantly excessive speed:

Through Herford city center, via Bahnhofstraße and Fürchtenaustraße, the VW continued on Herforder Straße in the direction of Kirchlengern. The previously unknown driver disregarded several red lights, drove with gross negligence and endangered a large number of other road users: accidents were only avoided thanks to the caution of other road users and the braking maneuvers they initiated. On a left-hand bend in Müllerweg in Hiddenhausen, the unidentified driver overtook several vehicles despite his limited visibility. On Löhner Straße, he then used a footpath and cycle path running parallel to the road and later turned into Bünder Straße at a speed that was still clearly excessive. He finally came to a halt at the end of the street "Im Himmelreich" - it is a dead end.

The driver and his passenger left the vehicle and fled on foot. The officers managed to apprehend the driver in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle. He is an 18-year-old from Bünde who does not have a valid driver's license. His female companion fled on foot through bushes and neighboring gardens before she too could be apprehended. She is a 15-year-old girl from Bünder.

A check of the VW revealed that the license plates had already been removed last year and were registered to a Daewoo. The VW, on the other hand, was registered to a Bünder until a few weeks ago, but the license plate had already been cancelled in mid-June. This means that the VW is not registered and has no valid insurance cover. As there were signs of alcohol and narcotics consumption in the 18-year-old, he was taken to the Herford police station to have a blood sample taken. He now has to answer for several offenses.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110