Car drives down a slope

Car drives down a slope
Driver had a guardian angel
Herford police
Herford police

At around 1.10 p.m. on Friday afternoon (30 August), the fire department and police officers were called to a traffic accident on Schluchtenweg in Rödinghausen. On arrival, the emergency services found a totally damaged Mercedes C-Class lying approx. 6-8 meters down a slope in the grass verge. The 27-year-old driver from Löhne had to be rescued from his vehicle by the fire department. Fortunately, he was only slightly injured in the accident. According to previous investigations, the man from Löhne was driving along Schluchtenweg in the direction of Hansastrasse. For reasons as yet unexplained, he suddenly left the road to the right and drove down the slope without braking. The vehicle (damage approx. 4,000 euros) had to be recovered from the small stream there and towed away.

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