Cosmetics stolen from drugstore

Cosmetics stolen from drugstore
Police arrest suspects in the vicinity
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) Yesterday (31.7.), a previously unknown woman entered a drugstore on the street Im Obrock at around 2.45 pm. An employee noticed that the woman had put various cosmetics items in a rucksack she was carrying and then left the store without paying for the goods. The employee informed the police and gave a description of the suspect. The police officers who arrived at the scene located the person described in the vicinity. The woman, who has already made several police appearances, is a 50-year-old woman with no fixed address. In the gym bag described, the officers found items from the drugstore's range worth almost 170 euros. During the investigation, she was uncooperative and verbally aggressive towards the officers. She also showed clear signs of alcohol consumption, which was clearly confirmed by a voluntary breath alcohol test carried out on the spot. The 50-year-old was taken to the central police custody in Herford to prevent further offenses.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110