Cyclist injured in accident

Cyclist injured in accident
Collision when turning
Herford police
Herford police

A 46-year-old cyclist from Kirchlengern was so seriously injured in a traffic accident early on Thursday morning (27 June) that she had to be taken to hospital in Bünde by ambulance. At around 7.50 a.m., a 50-year-old woman from Bünde was driving her white Seat on Lübbecker Straße, heading out of town in the direction of the B239. At the junction with Allensteiner Straße, she intended to turn right into Allensteiner Straße. In doing so, she overlooked the cyclist, who was traveling in the opposite direction on the footpath/cycle path and wanted to cross the junction. The two vehicles collided, causing the 46-year-old to hit the Seat and then be thrown to the ground. She sustained serious injuries to her leg as a result of the fall. The damage to property is estimated at around 600 euros. The damaged bicycle was handed over to a family member and the 50-year-old was able to continue her journey in her Seat after the accident had been investigated.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110