(hd) During the night from Friday (20.12.2024) to Saturday (21.12.2024), residents noticed a hedge fire on Obernackernstraße in Kirchlengern at around 11:55 pm. The fire was contained and finally extinguished by the alerted fire department. However, the fire had already completely destroyed around 20 trees that made up the hedge. The damage to property is estimated to be at least 1000 euros. The exact cause of the fire is still unclear. The investigation is ongoing. The criminal investigation department is asking for information about suspicious persons and vehicles by calling 05221 / 888-0.
Please send any queries to:
Herford district police
Press office Herford
Telephone: 05221 888 1250
Email: %20pressestelle.herford [at] polizei.nrw.de (pressestelle[dot]herford[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)