Driving without a license
Pocket bike skids into the field
Herford police
Herford police

On Friday night (5 July), police officers were informed of a traffic accident after a seriously injured person had been admitted to hospital in Melle. Initial investigations revealed that a 26-year-old from Rödinghausen was riding his pocket bike crosser, which is not licensed for road traffic, on Sachsenweg in the direction of Am Freibad at around 11:30 pm that evening. On a connecting field path, he lost control of his vehicle in a 90° right-hand bend and skidded into the adjacent field. He suffered several bruises, contusions and fractures as a result of the fall. After the accident, the injured driver was taken to a hospital in Melle by his girlfriend. During the subsequent accident investigation, the police officers discovered that the pocket bike was not road-legal and had insurance license plates from 2013. The 26-year-old is not in possession of a required driving license.

As it was suspected that the man from Rödinghausen was under the influence of alcohol (preliminary test was clearly positive) and narcotics at the time of the accident, appropriate blood samples were taken from him at the hospital. He now faces charges for various traffic offenses. The damaged vehicle, as well as the motorcycle helmet and clothing found in the field, were provisionally confiscated. The total damage is estimated at around 500 euros.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110