Drunk driving

Drunk driving
Herford man rides pedelec under the influence of alcohol
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) As part of a patrol, officers from the Herford district police department noticed a pedelec rider on Berliner Straße on Friday (22.11) at 5.00 pm. The previously unknown man was crossing a pedestrian traffic light on his pedelec, which showed a red light for him. The person apparently had problems keeping his balance. When the officers checked the man, a 35-year-old from Herford, they noticed clear signs of alcohol consumption. A breath alcohol test carried out on the spot was clearly positive. He was taken to the Herford police station to have a blood sample taken. After the police measures were completed, the man from Herford was released on the spot.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110