Fraud with fake police officers

Fraud with fake police officers
Unknown persons steal cash and jewelry
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) On Friday (2 August), a woman from Kirchlengern received a call from an alleged police officer at around 10.00 pm. He told her that there were criminals near her home and that there were signs that they wanted to rob her. A few minutes later, a slim woman about 165 cm tall with chin-length blond hair, who also claimed to be a police officer, appeared at the front door and questioned the resident. The alleged policewoman advised the Kirchlenger woman to hide the cash in the house and then examined her valuables together with the senior citizen. Some time later, after the "policewoman" had left the house, the woman from Kirchlengern discovered that a three-digit amount of her cash was missing and informed the police.

On Sunday (4 August) at 6.15 p.m., an alleged police officer called a senior citizen in Bünde and reported various thefts that had recently taken place in her neighborhood. In order to protect her belongings from theft, a colleague would come to the woman's home. A short time later, the announced "policewoman" appeared at the home address and stated that she had to photograph the valuables. The woman, who was around 30 to 40 years old, 170 cm tall and had black hair, then took cash and jewelry worth a total of five figures in order to photograph them outside. When the alleged policewoman did not return, the fraud was noticed and the woman from Bünde informed the police.

The Herford criminal investigation department has taken over the investigation and is asking possible witnesses in both cases who can provide information about the incidents to contact them on 05221/8880.

At the same time, the police are advising people not to let strangers into their house or apartment. Real police officers can identify themselves by means of a badge - if there is the slightest doubt, the authority from which the person comes should be called via a self-researched number. During this time, the unknown persons should wait outside the locked door and not in the house. The police do not ask for money or valuables. Both should never be handed over to unknown persons, not even for cataloging or photographing. Citizens should not give any information about their assets over the phone. Nobody should allow themselves to be put under pressure, either on the phone or at the front door. Calls should be ended immediately or the door closed. If there is a suspicion of attempted fraud, citizens can file a complaint.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110