Joint press release by the public prosecutor's office in Bielefeld and the Herford police - Extensive seizures after plantation cultivation

Joint press release by the public prosecutor's office in Bielefeld and the Herford police - Extensive seizures after plantation cultivation
Gang and commercial trafficking in non-small quantities of narcotics
Herford police
Herford police

(hd) The Herford police are currently investigating a major criminal investigation into drug-related crime by the Bielefeld public prosecutor's office. This was preceded by search measures in an industrial building in Hiddenhausen over the past few days. The object of the search was a former food processing company. Witnesses pointed to the cultivation of hemp plants in the form of a plantation and the production of marijuana. A search warrant issued for these offenses was executed by the Herford criminal investigation department on Tuesday (07.01.). The officers seized more than 250 hemp plants, more than 70 kg of marijuana and almost 1 kg of hashish from the premises. The street value of these narcotics is estimated to be at least half a million euros. The investigation into suspected gang and commercial production and trafficking in not insignificant quantities of narcotics is currently ongoing.


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