Motorcycle collides with deer

Motorcycle collides with deer
Bünder overturns several times
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) A 58-year-old man from Bünde was injured in a traffic accident on Saturday (29.6.). He was riding his motorcycle on Rintelner Straße in the direction of Vlotho at 10.50 am. Suddenly and unexpectedly, a deer ran onto the road from the left and collided with the motorcycle. Due to the force of the impact, the motorcycle and the 58-year-old rider rolled over several times, then skidded around 100 meters across the road and finally landed in the ditch. First responders took care of the man until the emergency services arrived, who was then taken to a nearby hospital by ambulance. The responsible hunting rights holder was informed about the wildlife accident and took care of the whereabouts of the deer, which was also thrown into the ditch and died there. The property damage amounts to around 7,000 euros.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110