Negligent bodily injury in a traffic accident

Negligent bodily injury in a traffic accident
Occupants slightly injured
Herford police
Herford police

A traffic accident occurred on Bielefelder Straße in Herford early on Wednesday morning, causing minor injuries to the occupants of a black BMW and a black Opel Zafira. At around 08:05 a.m., a 25-year-old woman from Wadersloh was driving along Bielefelder Straße in the direction of Herford and turned off at the traffic lights on the slip road to the B239 in the direction of the A2 freeway. Behind her at the time was a woman from Bielefeld in her Opel Zafira.

According to investigations to date, the 48-year-old woman picked something up from the footwell and was so distracted that she rear-ended the BMW driven by the 25-year-old woman in front of her. Both drivers subsequently complained of neck pain and intended to seek medical treatment themselves. The Opel was so badly damaged by the accident that it was no longer roadworthy and had to be towed away from the scene of the accident. The material damage is estimated at around 4,000 euros.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110