Press release Traffic accident

Press release Traffic accident
E-bike rider slightly injured
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) A traffic accident occurred on Mindener Straße at 4.05 p.m. yesterday (23.9.). A 41-year-old woman from Vlotho was driving her Seat in the direction of Minden and intended to turn right into Rintelner Straße. Before initiating the turn, she allowed a cyclist to pass: The cyclist was riding in the same direction on the cycle lane next to Mindener Straße. The woman then drove her Seat onto Rintelner Straße, but hit a second cyclist who was also riding his e-bike on the cycle lane in the direction of Minden. The 33-year-old man from Porta Westfalica fell onto the road due to the force of the impact and was slightly injured. An ambulance was called and the man was taken to a nearby hospital. Property damage of around 2250 euros was caused.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110