(hd) On Saturday (15.03.2025), the police in Vlotho carried out extensive speed measurements as part of a priority check. A total of 1883 vehicles were checked. 145 drivers were found to be speeding. The sad front-runner was a 21-year-old from Herford, who was driving his VW Passat at 132 km/h within the built-up area. A 23-year-old BMW driver from Vlotho reached a similar speed. At the legal speed limit of 50 km/h, she was traveling at 108 km/h. The drivers in question must now expect substantial fines, points in Flensburg and driving bans lasting several months. The road safety report presented on 17.03.2025 shows that errors in giving way, carelessness when turning, alcohol consumption and inappropriate speed are the main causes of accidents in the Herford district. The Herford district police authority will therefore continue to carry out unannounced priority checks in future to combat the main causes of accidents.
Please send any queries to:
Herford district police authority
Press office Herford
Phone: 05221 888 1250
Email: %20pressestelle.herford [at] polizei.nrw.de (pressestelle[dot]herford[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)