
Keep an eye on your wallet when shopping.
Herford police
Herford police

(um) Yesterday (25.07.) afternoon, previously unknown perpetrators stole a lady's purse while she was shopping in a supermarket. The purse was in a shopping cart in a bag and in most cases pickpockets distract shoppers by crowding in front of the shelves. In this case, it was a supermarket on Bünder Straße where an elderly lady from Schwenningdorf was robbed. In addition to purses, the perpetrators also like to take keys. Sometimes car keys, from the car parked outside in the parking lot. This is where the next theft is possible. The criminal investigation department warns against tricksters and pickpockets. The police have lots of tips on the prevention page on the Internet - In the case mentioned above, an additional 150 euros in cash ended up missing. Information on the crime is requested from the Herford Criminal Investigation Department on 05221-8880.

Please send any queries to:

Herford District Police
Press Office Herford
Phone: 05221 888 1250
Email: %20pressestelle.herford [at] (pressestelle[dot]herford[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110