Theft from motor vehicles

Theft from motor vehicles
License plate theft at aid station
Herford police
Herford police

(um) The night before last (22/23.01.), previously unknown perpetrators stole license plates from at least three cars. The vehicles were parked at a charitable aid station on Werburger Straße. The extent to which the middle letter D in the license plates was of interest to the perpetrators is currently being investigated. It was the same on all the license plates. The police are appealing for witnesses in this case. Information on the crime is requested from the Herford Criminal Investigation Department on 05221-8880.

Please send any queries to:

Herford District Police
Press Office Herford
Phone: 05221 888 1250
Email: %20pressestelle.herford [at] (pressestelle[dot]herford[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110