Traffic accident at an intersection

Traffic accident at an intersection
Passenger seriously injured
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) A traffic accident occurred at around 6.45 p.m. on Sunday (15.9.) at the Quernheimer Straße / Stiftstraße junction. An 18-year-old woman from Lübbecke was driving her VW on Quernheimer Straße in the direction of Lübbecke and intended to go straight through the intersection. At the same time, a 42-year-old woman from Kirchlengern was driving her BMW on Stiftstraße and intended to drive straight on into Rehmerloher Straße. As the traffic lights there showed a green light for her, the 42-year-old woman drove into the junction. This resulted in a collision with the 18-year-old's VW. Both drivers sustained minor injuries as a result of the collision. A 17-year-old woman from Lübbeck, who was a passenger in the VW, was seriously injured by the force of the collision. The two girls from Lübbeck were taken to hospital by ambulance. The damage to the vehicles amounts to around 14,000 euros.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110