Unknown persons break into apartment
Police are looking for witnesses
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) Unknown persons took advantage of the owners' brief absence on Friday (5 July) to break into an apartment on Weddingufer. The owners left their apartment at around 7.20 pm. When they returned at 9.35 pm, they discovered that several rooms had been ransacked. After an initial search, the strangers stole a wallet containing a three-digit sum of cash, a tablet and a safe. The safe contained a small four-digit sum of cash. The officers called to the scene discovered that the unknown perpetrator or perpetrators had forced open the door to the apartment using a tool. How they got into the apartment building is still under investigation. The criminal investigation department has taken over the investigation and is asking any witnesses who observed anything suspicious on Friday evening to contact them on 05221/8880.


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