Verkehrsunfall - EN

Verkehrsunfall - EN
Motorcyclist crashes onto the road
Herford police
Herford police

(jd) A 19-year-old female motorcyclist from Herford was injured in a traffic accident on Monday evening (June 24) at 6.15 pm. She was riding her Aprilla on Mindener Straße in the direction of Löhne when she crashed onto the road as a result of a braking maneuver. A 46-year-old woman from Herford was driving her VW directly in front of the 19-year-old and intended to turn into a driveway between the junctions of Alter Grenzweg and Im Zuschlage. The Herford woman therefore slowed down accordingly. The 19-year-old again failed to slow down her vehicle in time and lost control of her motorcycle. She first crashed into the Yamaha of a 19-year-old Herford resident, who was also riding on Mindener Straße, slightly offset from the Herford woman, and then crashed onto the road. She was slightly injured in the accident and was taken to a nearby hospital by an ambulance after receiving initial medical treatment at the scene. Property damage of around 800 euros was caused.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110