
Unknown person damages wall
Herford police
Herford police

Residents on Herforder Straße noticed a badly damaged wall at a driveway yesterday (20.6.) at 8.10 am. A previously unknown driver drove his vehicle into the driveway and presumably overlooked the fact that it was blocked with a red and white chain. He tore the chain from its anchorage with the vehicle, causing several stones of a gabion wall to break and the unknown driver dragged them along. The chain and wall stones were spread over a depth of around 13 meters in the driveway before the unknown driver fled without bothering to settle the damage. The time of the accident was between 7.45 and 8.10 a.m. on Thursday. Witnesses who observed anything in the area of Herforder Straße or who can provide information about the accident are asked to call 05221/8880.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110